Jill’s Inspirational Story

I was 37, healthy, exercising daily, eating well, and never smoked a cigarette in my life. What started out as a small lingering cough, turned into two misdiagnoses of pneumonia over the course of many months. Then, on August 17, 2019, I received the news that changed my life forever. There was a tumor, a mass, it was cancer – in my lungs and was spreading. I was diagnosed with Stage IV non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). My treatment plan was a targeted therapy pill called Tagrisso and I successfully showed amazing results with that until May 2020 (just nine months later).

It started with wheezing and then my CT scan said it all – progress on the lymph nodes, two new masses. A new bronchoscopy biopsy confirmed it was Small Cell Lung Cancer (SC).

What? Somehow, I had developed both NSCLC and LC, but I soon learned it’s a growing reality. “Small Cell Transformation” is happening to NSCLC patients and I’m finding more and more of us. It’s super rare – with less than 5% of NSCLC patients experiencing this. And because of that, there is no ‘set’ regime or protocol from the medical clinicians. I stopped Tagrisso in May 2020 and I started chemotherapy immediately.

I lost my hair, I sought alternative therapies, have been growing spiritually and the breakthroughs are simply incredible. I found Believe Big and mistletoe therapy one month into chemo and had amazing results through it all. I’m grateful for their willingness to accept me into their program so quickly. I was amazed at my experiences in their clinics during COVID, the email support and words of encouragement I received along the way. I’ve also made some incredible personal friends now as a result and for that human connection alone, I am so grateful.

I recommend Believe Big and what they have to offer, to anyone who’s willing to listen because it helped me so much. I’m now into a very unique radiation protocol to clear the remaining masses in my lung and lymph node. I am continuing with mistletoe therapy and the amazing doctor-patient partnerships that I have found at Believe Big. I’m living proof of the possibilities that exist when Western medicine works alongside natural healing modalities. I have discovered so many things including the power that positive thinking can do, and what it can heal. I launched my website – www.luvyourlifenaturally.com – to help educate others on the mind, body, spirit connection that is critical to healing yourself.

I offer food-as-medicine insights, inspirational quotes and loads of access to resources like Believe Big and Mistletoe. I know this is all happening for a reason. I hope to inspire others with my story and for anyone to know they are never alone!

Organizations like Believe Big and people like me, are always here to help. Mindset Matters!

Jill Atcheson

Jill is raising funds to support others through Believe Big, donate to her goal today or contact us to start your own fundraiser! Donate towards Jill’s fundraising goal > Fundraise for Believe Big >
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Micah’s Inspirational Story

In December of 2019, Micah was diagnosed with stage four adrenal cortical carcinoma, a very rare and aggressive cancer. It’s not typically seen in children.

In the beginning without a diagnosis our surgeon felt it was important to remove it. We agreed. After an intense surgery, and waiting two weeks for results from multiple hospitals we received his shocking-diagnosis. My first response was “God, as long as I can hear you and know You are with me, I know I can do this.”

He started long inpatient chemo treatments in Tampa, but within two treatments God was clear that we would be selling our property, and relocating our family of 9 to Collierville, TN to be close to St. Jude, where there were research doctors who had successfully treated ACC a few times.

Micah’s healing is a full spectrum approach. The harsh protocol was important to eradicate the cancer but he needed support to empower him through it. He had a Gtube placed. We fed him liquid hope, breast milk, bone broth, yoursuper mixes and supplements that I felt his body needed. I would have dreams about foods his body required at different times. God had connected us deeply. Others would have dreams for him too. For example, I felt he needed lemon juice and someone had a dream I was feeding him organic lemons! I was reading books about cancer diets, having dreams about what he needed, and the labs would show we were right on. It was very surreal.

I read a few books that changed the way I saw cancer and I realized his entire body and spirit needed to be supported. We weren’t fighting against his confused cells, we were focusing on healing them.  I used essential oils regularly, praying over his body each night to clear his energy from the trauma of the day, exercise, outside and laughter became part of Micah’s treatment plan. We were away from his siblings and Dad for over 120 days, and it was HARD, but we focused on singing and laughing as much as we could.

I looked into Intravenous Vitamin C and mistletoe but while on treatment at St. Jude they asked me to wait. During his last month he was so sick and on several anti nausea meds. We hired Dr. Dagmara Beine, from Zuza’s Way and she helped us dose his THC/CBD, and we worked with Rylie’s Smile from Delaware for better education about cannabis and children. His nausea stopped immediately!! He was able to stop the anti-nausea medicines that same week, during what is suppose to be the hardest last month on daily chemo.

We finished Micah’s treatment of IV chemo, and started the mistletoe and IVC. We work with Dr. Beine on a lifetime approach for Micah, because he has a TP53 gene mutation. It’s not a quick fix or a sprint,  it’s a life journey. The oncologists eradicate the cancer and then send patients home to a wait and see approach. For us that wasn’t an option. We have a full year schedule of healing for Micah and then there are things he’ll do forever to ensure health and wholeness.

Surprising the team each scan, Micah is NED. Before scans they warned us they didn’t think it would be good, but with each scan they came in with smiles and encouragement. They don’t necessarily want to hear in detail all we are doing integrativly and we differ in opinion in areas but we are learning to work together. My passion is to see the integrative and mainstream medical bridge together. It hasn’t been easy and I’ve had to strongly advocate for choices that I knew were the right ones. The bottom line is he is my child and everything I’m doing has low risk and has been proven to be effective in healing and supporting.

I receive a lot of messages from parents who have wanted to explore integrative care but they were told not to. They were told it doesn’t matter what their children eat. My advice to anyone who has a desire to do all you can for your child in regards to integrative care, is to hire an integrative doctor that works with pediatric oncology, find other parents and groups who are pioneering. Read all of the studies. Most importantly push fear aside and find your peace. Your knowingness that you’re doing what’s best for your child is key. Don’t be afraid to disagree with doctors. Oncologists are trained to eradicate the cancer, and that’s a huge part of it but not at all the only goal.

For a while I felt like a salmon swimming upstream (especially in the pediatric oncology world) and I noticed we weren’t alone. Having foundations like Believe Big empowered us to keep going, especially in Memphis where it’s very behind. We needed that community of encouragement and we feel God has been very intentional to give us all that we needed for Micah’s healing journey, and Believe Big was one of those gifts to us.


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Lori Falk, Stage 2 Breast Cancer Thriver!

September 2009 was a life changing month for me. I remember every detail like it was yesterday. It was the first day of school for our daughters and a day I always looked forward to hearing all about. Instead, I received a phone call from my surgeon asking for my husband, Donald, and I to come to her office. I knew why she wanted to see us. Quite honestly, I could not even bear the thought of driving over there. My biopsy results had come in. I did, in fact, have breast cancer –ugh! Since I already knew why she wanted to see us, I asked if we could please schedule for another day. I needed this day to cleave to my family and assemble my prayer warriors! For those of you who have experienced a cancer diagnosis for yourself or a loved one, you know that it is a crazy roller coaster ride. Thus, my ride began! Fortunately for me, I had been working with a functional medicine doctor from the day I first felt the lump. She was preparing my body for the worst while we were all prayerfully hoping for the best. To this day, I believe my positive outcome had much to do with this! What I was not prepared for, however, was all the crazy emotions I went through. I remember waking up each morning in a cold sweat, heart palpitations that mimicked a bad dream. I had always been a student of learning and I especially loved learning what functional/integrative/holistic doctors were doing to cure many health issues, including cancer. From there I established an army, and off we went to battle. I ordered a gazillion books on healing cancer naturally, pulled out years and years of newsletters I had saved and for an entire week my husband and I hunkered down to read anything that pertained to cancer. I finally felt prepared for the challenges ahead. I had a mastectomy later that month. From there we sought doctors and facilities to fit the model of healing I was seeking. I decided to forego chemotherapy and radiation. Instead, I embarked on an all-natural journey to healing. My routine consisted of MANY things such as high-dose Vitamin C infusions, diet change, lots of supplements and mistletoe treatment. I do want to add that my doctor was not a “mistletoe doctor” but had studied the amazing benefits of it. Ironically, the supplier of my mistletoe had stopped shipping their product and that is when God led me to Believe Big. I am so thankful for their support and guidance to point me in the right direction. I feel so blessed to have come across Believe Big, and truly believe they are game changers in the cancer arena. Oh, and by the way, could they not be any kinder? While they are doing amazing things in the field of cancer treatment, their work on the forefront with patients is unparalleled. Never have I met an entire group of people filled with so much compassion and kindness as the Believe Big Team! Donald and I are honored to support Believe Big financially so that more individuals like myself can be helped. I am celebrating my 11th year of being NED (No Evidence of Disease)! Today I watch my hormone levels, try to eat a consistent, organic diet and take supplements for cancer prevention. I also proactively had my breast implants removed when I began to experience arthritis in both hands along with other symptoms. Reconstruction was an expected part of “my team’s” protocol at that time, and I never questioned things until years later. My advice to anyone finding themselves on this cancer journey is • Assemble a prayer team, regardless of your faith. • Do your research before committing to any treatment. • Reach out to organizations like Believe Big for research and support. • Make yourself a priority. It’s not selfish to take good care of yourself! In His Love, Lori Falk (and the entire Falk Family)
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Overcomer Mary Erikson shares how she integrates her health!

My Christian faith, which came through saving faith in Jesus Christ, is My hope. This hope saw me through my cancer treatments and surgeries. Hope is what gives us purpose to continue amidst the storms of life.

The Hebrew word for spirit is ”RUAH” this term when applied to a person, means vital powers or strength. This is why we hear the phrase ”he/ she has a fighting spirit” My prayer life keeps me in touch with the spirit. I pray when I run, which allows me to add the body and mind elements of the trivium, to my daily habits. Since we are unable to go to a gym class during this time if quarantine?

Why not go for a run, take a walk or a hike, and soak in the beauty of creation which renews our spirit.

Friends, always, cling to hope! One of my favorite faith passages is ”but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” – Isaiah 40:31

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She Inspires

Panache and Believe Big – Maru Fava – Believe Big Volunteer

By: Caitlin RogersPosted at 1:36 PM, May 20, 2020

She Inspires is a new initiative from the boutiques at Green Spring Station who are giving back to women and non-profits that inspire them. Panache is a premier women’s fashion boutique specializing in high quality merchandise and impeccable style.

The owner’s sister in law is a two time cancer survivor. Believe Big is a non-profit organization that bridges the gap between conventional treatments like chemotherapy and surgery and complementary treatments like nutrition, acupuncture, and spiritual wellness.

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Need Encouragement?

Each day we have a choice to make. Will we give into the fear or will we live by faith and fight?

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Believe Big was invited to attend the SIO Conference in New York City

Believe Big was invited to attend the SIO Conference in New York City this past weekend! We were able to connect with top physicians who specialize in integrative oncology from all over the world, discuss options for our phase 2 mistletoe clinical trial, be filmed for Dr. Kelly Turners new documentary (coming out in March) on healing, make connections with companies that have products and resources for the patients we serve, and meet with the Believe Big Institute of Health team to outline our next steps to bring integrative oncology and wellness care in a research and data driven residential center!

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David Is Overcoming Stage 4 Cancer!

In January, I had been working hard as a property manager while also rehearsing–I’m a pro drummer.  Although I was in great shape, I started getting winded and tired.  I dismissed these symptoms as being caused by the change in altitude after moving to the mountains. Then, my face, neck, and upper arms started to swell.  As a veteran, I went to the V.A.  and was diagnosed with a sinus infection and prescribed antibiotics.  Even after more antibiotics the swelling persisted, so I had an X-ray. 

The doctor said, “You have vena cava syndrome, and it’s most likely caused by cancer.  The swelling is from a tumor pressing against your heart that’s disrupting the blood flow.”  I was airlifted to Albuquerque for confirmation testing and treatment.  It was Stage 4 cancer that had metastasized to my pelvis and liver.  My checkered past of abuse and smoking had caught up with me, but I also felt that The Creator had stepped in with a warning sign–had my face not swelled, I would’ve continued as if nothing were wrong until it was too late.  It probably seemed too late to most people, but I’m a big believer in miracles.  The doctors treated me conventionally with heavy steroids followed by chemotherapy.  I enrolled at Taos Whole Health where I was told about Mistletoe treatment, which changed everything!  

While Taos Whole Health administers Mistletoe, my V.A. insurance and Medicaid didn’t cover it. Just in time, the big blessing came!  I contacted Believe Big and spoke to Christine to request a wellness grant for my Mistletoe treatment.  Not only did Christine speak of faith, treatment, and healing, which greatly lifted my spirits, but she also swiftly applied for my grant, and it quickly came!  With ample help from Believe Big I started seven sessions of IV Mistletoe treatment.  I finished my last chemo and Mistletoe treatments at the same time.  When I went for my CAT Scan, the oncologist told me that the cancer had NOT spread to my brain.  The metastasis was gone!  

My Stage 4 had almost disappeared, except for a couple minuscule spots!  Recently, I finished my second round of Mistletoe.  I know the cancer is now completely gone.  I am so grateful to Believe Big, whose patient advocates are at once personal and professional. 

Believe Big has given me hope and increased my faith, and the generous wellness grant I received helped save my life. 


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National Relaxation Day

Learning to Relax When Coping with Cancer

Original Source: https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/coping/feelings/relaxation

Many people with cancer have found that doing relaxation or imagery exercises has helped them cope with pain and stress.

Take the time to learn helpful relaxation skills, such as the ones below, and practice them when you can. You can also take a class, buy a relaxation DVD or CD, or find other exercises online.

Getting Started

For each exercise, find a quiet place where you can rest undisturbed. Let others know you need time for yourself. Make the setting peaceful for you. For example, dim the lights and find a comfortable chair or couch.

You may find that your mind wanders, which is normal. When you notice yourself thinking of something else, gently direct your attention back to your body. Be sure to maintain your deep breathing.

Some people like to listen to slow, familiar music while they practice these exercises.

Breathing and Muscle Tensing

  • Get into a comfortable position where you can relax your muscles. Close your eyes and clear your mind of distractions. You can sit up or lie down. If you’re lying down, you may want to put a small pillow under your neck and knees.
  • Breathe deeply, at a slow and relaxing pace. Concentrate on breathing deeply and slowly, raising your belly with each breath, rather than just your chest.
  • Next, go through each of your major muscle groups, tensing (squeezing) them for a few seconds and then letting go. Start at the top of your head and work your way down. Tense and relax your face and jaws, then shoulders and arms.
  • Continue tensing and relaxing each muscle group as you go down (chest, lower back, buttocks, legs), ending with your feet. Focus completely on releasing all the tension from your muscles and notice the differences you feel when they are relaxed.
  • When you are done, focus on the pleasant feeling of relaxation for as long as you like.

Slow Rhythmic Breathing

  • Stare at an object or shut your eyes and think of a peaceful scene. Take a slow, deep breath.
  • As you breathe in, tense your muscles. As you breathe out, relax your muscles and feel the tension leaving.
  • Remain relaxed and begin breathing slowly and comfortably, taking about 9 to 12 breaths a minute. To maintain a slow, even rhythm, you can silently say to yourself, “In, one, two. Out, one, two.”
  • If you ever feel out of breath, take a deep breath, and continue the slow breathing.
  • Each time you breathe out, feel yourself relaxing and going limp. Continue the slow, rhythmic breathing for up to 10 minutes.
  • To end the session, count silently and slowly from one to three. Open your eyes. Say to yourself, “I feel alert and relaxed.” Begin moving slowly.


Imagery usually works best with your eyes closed. To begin, create an image in your mind. For example, you may want to think of a place or activity that made you happy in the past. Explore this place or activity. Notice how calm you feel.

If you have severe pain, you may imagine yourself as a person without pain. In your image, cut the wires that send pain signals from one part of your body to another. Or you may want to imagine a ball of healing energy. Others have found the following exercise to be very helpful:

  • Close your eyes and breathe slowly. As you breathe in, say silently and slowly to yourself, “In, one, two,” and as you breathe out, say “Out, one, two.” Do this for a few minutes.
  • Imagine a ball of healing energy forming in your lungs or on your chest. Imagine it forming and taking shape.
  • When you’re ready, imagine that the air you breathe in blows this ball of energy to the area where you feel pain. Once there, the ball heals and relaxes you. You may imagine that the ball gets bigger and bigger as it takes away more of your discomfort.
  • As you breathe out, imagine the air blowing the ball away from your body. As it floats away, all of your pain goes with it.
  • Repeat the last two steps each time you breathe in and out.

To end the imagery, count slowly to three, breathe in deeply, open your eyes, and say silently to yourself, “I feel alert and relaxed.”

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Broccoli Burritos

4 servings

Source: Healthy Eating for Life to Prevent and Treat Cancer by Vesanto Melina, M.S., R.D.; recipe by Jennifer Raymond, M.S., R.D.

Salsa and tahini pack the flavor into these burritos!

About the Recipe

317 Calories · 13 g Protein · 11 g Fiber

Broccoli is rich in vitamin K and calcium, which support bone health.

If the tortilla is made from wheat, barely, or rye, it is not gluten free.


Makes 4 Servings

  • broccoli stalks (2)
  • garbanzo beans (1 15-ounce can)
  • roasted red peppers (1/2 cup)
  • tahini (2 tbsp.)
  • lemon juice (3 tbsp.)
  • flour tortillas (4)
  • salsa (6 tbsp. or more to taste)


  1. Cut or break broccoli into florets. Peel stalks and cut into 1/2-inch rounds. Steam over boiling water until just barely tender, about 5 minutes.

  2. Drain garbanzo beans and place in a food processor with peppers, tahini, and lemon juice. Process until completely smooth, about 2 minutes.

  3. Spread about 1/4 of the garbanzo mixture on a tortilla and place in a large heated skillet. Heat until tortilla is warm and soft, about 2 minutes. Arrange a line of cooked broccoli down the center, then sprinkle with salsa. Roll tortilla around filling. Repeat.

  4. Serve warm.

Nutrition Facts

Per serving 

Calories: 317
Protein: 13 g
Carbohydrate: 50 g
Sugar: 7 g
Total Fat: 9 g
     Calories from Fat: 25%
Fiber: 11 g
Sodium: 725 mg

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