The Caregiver Perspective

Stacy Fritz is both a daughter and a sister of two family members diagnosed with cancer. Her mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in the spring of 2016. Less than 6 months later, in the fall of 2016, her dad had emergency triple bypass surgery. AND then, just as they began to find a new normal her only sibling Brad was diagnosed with Stage 4 colorectal cancer last February 2018 at 46 years old. Below you can watch her testimony and it is transcribed below.

Stacy Fritz – Caregiver Perpective
Ivelisse Page & Stacy Fritz BB Dinner 2018

Good Evening-

My name is Stacy Fritz. I am both a daughter and a sister of 2 family members diagnosed with cancer.

This picture was taken almost 1 year ago to the day.

I remember feeling burdened and deeply worried about my family at last year’s Believe Big Dinner. As odd it sounds though, I also had this overwhelming feeling that night, that I’d be standing here on this stage tonight.

I even told Ivelisse at the time this picture was taken….”This time next year, it  will be my family standing on this stage sharing our message of hope and cure.”

As I’ve come to learn, God answers our prayers on HIS terms.

HIS answer to me after the 2018 Believe Big dinner….was both a YES and NOT YET.

The YES was to mean that only I would be standing on this stage tonight to share my deep and profound respect and love for Believe Big, and the NOT YET answer was for our prayers for complete cure.

Summer 2015 Family Reunion

 Our background story-

This is US, summer of 2015. My gorgeous family of 12 in Hilton Head for our annual family vacation… Healthy, happy, connected, 

What I didn’t know then was that everything would change shortly after that summer.

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in the spring of 2016.

Less than 6 months later, in the fall of 2016, my dad had emergency triple bypass surgery. 

AND then, just as we began find our new normal and return to life’s joy, including both of my parents recovering…

My only sibling, my brother Brad was diagnosed with Stage 4 colorectal cancer last February 2018 at 46 years old.

In 18 months, my original squad including my mom, dad and younger brother would be faced with life changing illnesses.

 How was I introduced to Believe Big? 

My introduction to Believe Big was probably different than it was for all of you. I’m guessing you found your way to Believe Big after you or someone you love was diagnosed with cancer.

My connection happened BEFORE my world turned upside down. I believe it was orchestrated by God and delivered in a field of sunflowers.

Let me explain…

This is me doing a little yoga in the sunflowers, 2014.

I’m in a huge field of sunflowers owned by my dear friend, Cindy Franzoni. We were just acquaintances back then, connected only by our sons’ friendship.

My son told me one day that his friend’s family, the Franzonis, plant a huge field of sunflowers every 2 years. His words…”Mom, it’s like a million sunflowers.”

I was intrigued.

After just one visit to this sunflower field, where these beautiful sunflower faces stretched further than I could see, I was in awe. Their sunflower heads were held high, pointed in the direction of the sun and glowed like a sea of happy faces. I thought to myself, they look like a huge group of smiling friends who are deeply connected.

I contacted Cindy, who again, didn’t really know me and I asked, “Can I just do a little yoga in your sunflower fields?” I wanted to be right in the middle of their magic.

The sunflowers lasted a short 3 weeks. I visited “my group of smiling friends” every day of those 3 weeks. A little yoga, a lot of pictures, but mostly just to sit in their beauty. 

This field of sunflowers had a profound impact on me in 2014. 

2 years later, in 2016…Cindy planted her sunflower field again. Scheduled to bloom in September.

I made another request of Cindy in 2016. I asked and she graciously said YES to hosting my company’s first fundraiser, Glow for Girl, in her field of sunflowers. We created the event to raise money and bring awareness to breast cancer survivors and the needs of their families impacted by their diagnosis. 

2016 – Heidi Kelly, Dawn Huffman & Ivelisse Page

Look who attended…  Ivelisse Page and I were introduced here in the field of sunflowers by our 2 mutual beautiful friends.

After that event, Believe Big became such an important part of my life.

Believe Big connected our family to doctors and resources that I know would not have happened had I not met Ivelisse.

This organization has become both my community of support AND where God has chosen me to serve.

I was drawn to Believe Big the same way those beautiful sunflower faces are drawn to the sun.

Believe Big represents HOPE, FAITH and BEAUTY even when unexpected happens.

Trust me…the unexpected happens. Statistically speaking, almost 40% of us in this room will receive the diagnosis of cancer. That means the other 60% of us in the room will be impacted in some way by that same diagnosis.

Today, my family’s story is this…

My mom is a breast cancer survivor and thriving.

My brother, Brad, has navigated his year long journey with complementary medicine including mistletoe and ketogenic nutrition, with traditional clinical treatment AND with his deep profound faith. 

To me, Brad is a remarkable example of Believing Big.

While God has said NOT YET to all of our prayers for Brad… 

Our family waits confidently with hopeful anticipation for his complete cure.

As I continue to travel this journey with my family, I have gratefully accepted my tap on the shoulder from God to be a part of this incredible organization… I have joined the Believe Big team on their Board of Advisors to help patients and families face, fight and overcome cancer. 

I am guided not only by God, but also when I think about it, from a few lessons I have learned from these enchanting sunflowers.

Lesson 1- 

FACE and LEAN into the SUN/SON.  I know that the best way to move through this obstacle is to lean in and face the sun, just like those awe-inspiring sunflowers in Cindy’s field. The lesson is really from the son spelled capital S-O-N. It is a wonderful way to connect to our purpose, our prayers and what HE wants from us. 

Believe Big reminds me to lean into and face the S-O-N.

Lesson 2

BELIEVE BIG. A sunflower grows from the stalk – the sunflower’s metaphoric neck. As one side of the sunflower stalk grows it leans toward the sun. As the sun shifts positions through day, the other side of the sunflower stalk shifts grows in the new direction of the sun.

The sunflower grows by sticking the stalk/her neck out again and again in the direction of the sun.

Ivelisse and her team…every day they give hope, every day they believe big AND every day they stick out their necks for their patients and their families to face, fight and overcome cancer.

Believe Big reminds me to GO AHEAD, BELIEVE BIG, stand tall in what you hope for…stick out your neck, even when someone you love may not believe big just yet.

Lesson 3-


Believe Big is not only sharing information about mistletoe therapy. They are giving patients and their families access to complementary tools to heal themselves, to stay grounded and to stay balanced during this unexpected journey. 

Believe Big provides education and connection to tools and resources for us to tap into including leaning on the ones that our bodies already have like the breath, the healing effect of sleep, the power of good clean food and the miracle of prayer.

Their vision….to see cancer patients and their families discover their pathway to healing.

To me, Believe Big is also pollinating the world with the message of hope.

why should others be involved with believe big?

Believe Big runs this organization as if it is for just ONE patient. That’s how they make you feel. As if you were only ONE person needing support…and not just if you are the patient.

My mom and brother were the patients and yet, the loving kindness and support was delivered directly to me, as if I were just ONE ….the only daughter or the only sister of a cancer patient needing resources.

If you think about it, it makes sense. Believe Big began as ONE. God planted this seed when HE held Ivelisse’s hand thru her own journey with her diagnosis. 

HE bestowed his blessings on her and she now pollenates and spreads the message of hope and healing.

Ivelisse’s INTENTION, her ATTENTION, her prayers and now, her Believe Big actions are just like the seeds planted in my friend Cindy’s sunflower field, small but have grown and flourished mightily under the Son.   

The seeds Ivelisse planted thru her recovery were the beginning of something beautiful, something BIG for us to BELIEVE that now stretch further than we can ever imagine or see – thank God for all of us.

Like Ivelisse, all of us have the capacity to have this kind of impact, the capacity to inspire someone, the capacity to believe in something BIGGER than a cancer diagnosis, the capacity to plant even just ONE seed. 

I believe all great things always start with ONE.

Won’t you be ONE?  

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The Believe Big Institute of Health

I am very excited to share with you the progress that our team has accomplished in just a few short months. We are in the beginning stages of developing a fully-licensed residential cancer research hospital. It will be a state of the art, green certified facility enabling the best of modern science and technology along with ancient therapies and wisdom procured from around the world. Patients will come for a precise treatment itinerary based on personalized testing, comprehensive medical markers and algorithmic intelligence.

They will take home recommendations to continue progress and return as often as needed. A cutting-edge data collection and aggregation process will support ongoing research that improves cancer care beyond the center. We will supply all meals grown on our land with a commercial and teaching kitchen for patients and the public. It will be in a nature dense environment that will enable patients to rest, restore, and heal. This facility will also be a training site for practitioners, patients and caregivers to clarify the synergistic effects of a comprehensive approach to healing.

Upon sharing this vision, a common question is “can I go here even if I’m healthy?” In fulfilling a goal of improving lives of people with cancer, one of the most successful strategies is to prevent a diagnosis. Because of this, we will have a wellness arm where you can come for a wellness retreat to gain insight into your metabolic state and then go home with an effective plan to help you thrive. All who come will be refreshed physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

This concept and vision for what we are calling The Believe Big Institute of Health does not exist yet anywhere in the world. Many have pieces of the puzzle but not the whole picture. In order for you to get a glimpse into this vision, we have created this short video for you. Want to partner with Believe Big to support the creation of this future institute of health? Visit:

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2019 Mistletoe Webinar Replay

An educational webinar discussing mistletoe therapy for treating cancer. During this webinar you will learn all about mistletoe therapy, the clinical trail and what one could expect with this treatment. Dr. Nasha is on a mission to educate and empower the nearly fifty percent of the population expected to have cancer in their lifetime. Prevention is the only cure.

Guest Speaker: Dr. Nasha Winters –

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Patti Jacobs

Before cancer I was one of those annoying people who never got sick. When my left arm started hurting in August 2014 I thought it might be tennis elbow, even though I don’t play tennis. After a few weeks I finally got an X-ray and it showed a six inch tumor inside my left humerus. As it turned out, I had kidney cancer and it had spread everywhere. I was stunned.

Since then I’ve had radiation on some larger tumors (chemo doesn’t work on kidney cancer), different immunotherapy drugs, and participated in drug trials. I’ve had a rod inserted in my left humerus, a rod in my left femur, my left shoulder and arm amputated, and finally a rod in my right humerus. At this point, I’m almost the bionic woman! Kidney cancer is relatively rare, representing only 3% of all cancers. The survival rate is tied to how long it takes to work through the short list of available treatments and, unfortunately, that’s where I was last January.

I had attended the Believe Big dinner event a few years ago and had heard about mistletoe. Since my last experimental drug had given me a heart attack, I thought the time had finally come for me to try an alternative option. I contacted a patient advocate at Believe Big (Patty) and she was so fantastic! She provided a variety of resources and ways that Believe Big could help. One option was Namaste Health Center in Colorado where I could have mistletoe IV therapy, as well as other treatments. Some of these were Naturopathic medicine, Chinese medicine, Ortho-Bionomy, and nutrition therapy. With the help of a Believe Big grant and a Go Fund Me campaign I was able to attend Namaste Health Center for two weeks this past March.

Since my return, I’ve continued the mistletoe treatments, in combination with Opdivo (immunotherapy). Three times a week a family member gives me a mistletoe injection and monthly I get an Opdivo IV at Johns Hopkins. I’ve had several CAT scans since March and both showed the tumor in my kidney shrinking, while other tumors are stable or a little smaller. For me this is very encouraging since no other treatment has ever shrunk any of my tumors!

I’m so grateful that Believe Big was there to provide the information and help that has started me on this mistletoe journey. I’m very hopeful about where this will go and for now I’m appreciating every day with my family and friends. 

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One Word Webinar

One Word creates clarity, power, passion and life-change. The simple power of One Word is that it impacts all six dimensions of your life – mental, physical, emotional, relational, spiritual, and financial. Simply put, One Word sticks. There is a word meant for you and when you find it, live it, and share it, your life will become more rewarding and exciting than ever. Enjoy this webinar lead by Jimmy Page and find your one word today.

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Mistletoe Clinical Trial Update & Details!

The primary objective of the trial is to test safety and to identify the recommended Phase 2 dosing. The secondary objectives are to test tumor marker Kinetics measured in the blood via standard assays; PSA, CA-125, CEA, etc. We added exploratory objectives to monitor the growth of cancer as measuring by cat scan, bone scan, or other imaging modality that was being used to monitor the patient’s cancer. 

“We also wanted to explore potential targets, biomarkers, predictors in PBMCs (peripheral blood mononuclear cells), to access tumor burden dynamics through serum and plasma, to evaluate germ-line mutations in circulating DNA, and to see changes in cytokine productions in PBMCs.
Patient eligibility criteria requires that a patient be a solid tumor patient, stage IV, that at least one line of prior systemic therapy or other standard treatment, and have a life expectancy of greater than three months. 

A standard 3 + 3 design was used where three patients in the trial are assigned to a dose level in order of the study entry until a subject experiences a drug-related toxicity of a grade two or higher, whereupon an additional three patients will be enrolled at that dose level.”

To date Dr. Paller has consented 15 patients into the trial and is expecting 16-22 more! The trial is progressing well and will take another 2 years to complete because the FDA has required us to follow-up with a patient for 28 days after their initial dose.

Thank you for partnering with us to make this trial possible!

To learn more about who is eligible to participate, please email: . You can also call  410-502-5140 .

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Celebrating a Christmas Miracle

Brad was diagnosed in February of 2018. In July, he spent 35 days getting two surgeries and spent the fall recovering before his last surgery on December 14th.

This week, he went home for the first time in 10 months where the doctors have said that there is no evidence of disease.

Brad attributes his Christmas miracle to the power of prayer, clinical medicine, complementary medicine that includes mistletoe therapy and nutrition therapy, and incredible support from family and friends. His sister, Stacy, shared that she doesn’t need another gift….ever.”

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Thank You Contemporary Ceramic Studios Association (CCSA)

Mary, Jensen, and Jackie (from left to right) traveled to St. Charles, Missouri for the annual CCSA convention.

For the second year in a row, Believe Big was chosen as their charity of choice. The convention connected us with at least 30 new pottery studio partners nationwide that will now be offering Believe Mugs. Through their silent auction and raffles, the CCSA was able to raise $22,000 for Believe Big! Thanks to the CCSA, we are able to make a huge impact in the lives of those battling cancer. We are thankful and grateful for this partnership!

Additionally, one of our studio partners in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Bisque It, was featured on their local news station delivering mugs to a nearby oncology center. Bisque It is holding an October event commemorating their 1st anniversary of participation in the Believe Mug program and will donate half of their event proceeds to Believe Big! Check out the great story below!


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Integrative Medicine Meeting

In September, Believe Big had the opportunity to travel to Stuttgart, Germany for the Integrated Medicine Meeting!

The Integrated Medicine Meeting was a gathering of over 200 various medical professionals hosted at the headquarters of Helixor, a producer of mistletoe. Ivelisse Page and Patty Buddemeyer met with experts in the fields of integrated medicine from all over the world and learned about new research and case studies in oncology. They toured the Helixor mistletoe extract production facility and learned how the plant is harvested and stored and how the extract is obtained from the plant. They also were able to tour the Helixor arboretum and learned about each specific species of mistletoe, the growth and maturation process, and what species treat specific cancers.

This wealth of information better equips us to serve our many patients. Ivelisse was also honored to share the Believe Big story with the delegates present and the response was overwhelming and supportive!,

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Stefanie O’Polka – Lung Cancer Overcomer!

Stefanie O’Polka

Lung Cancer Overcomer!

As a lifelong non-smoker with no family history of cancer, I was shocked and horrified to receive a lung cancer diagnosis in April of 2015. I had a serious case of pneumonia that thankfully hadn’t responded to oral antibiotics. My general practitioner sent me to the emergency room to be admitted, get IV antibiotics, and rest. I began to suspect something was wrong when an unusually large number of doctors and specialists traveled in and out of my ER room, all of them saying they were trying to “rule things out.” After several days in the hospital and many tests and procedures, I awoke from anesthesia with an oncologist by my bedside. It was confirmed: I had lung cancer.

I didn’t know specifics, but somewhere in my mind I remembered reading that lung cancer was one of the worst types of cancer. The actual lung cancer facts are staggering. It is the deadliest of all cancers, killing more people each year than breast, colon and prostate cancers COMBINED. The five-year survival rate for those diagnosed with lung cancer is just 18%. Not great odds, but I am a fighter, and I was going to do whatever I could for me and my three amazing children.

I underwent conventional treatment including surgery removing the majority of my right lung and four months of weekly chemotherapy. I also began researching complementary therapies that could help boost me into that small number of lung cancer survivors. I found an acupuncturist, started taking supplements and juicing, opened myself up with spiritual practices like meditation and gratitude, and I was introduced to Believe Big. Believe Big’s beautiful stories of survival gave me hope that I, too, could overcome cancer, and their nutrition and mistletoe therapy services gave me practical ways to fight this disease.

As I write this, I can gratefully say that I have been cancer free for 3 ½ years! I continue my mistletoe injections and I strive to live a balanced lifestyle. Giving back has always been a part of my life, and I’m proud to say that this year I raised over $30,000 for the Lung Cancer Research Foundation. I am a monthly donor to Believe Big, I’ve enjoyed attending the last three inspirational fundraising dinners, I’ve hosted a fun Believe Mug painting in my home, and my niece now works for this incredible organization that helped me so much on my cancer journey.

Stefanie is pictured above with her niece and 3 children, Believing Big!

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