4 Hidden Dangers of Cell Phone Use and 5G: Protect Your Health in a Wireless World

Living in a digital age comes with its own set of health concerns, particularly when it comes to cell phone use and the emerging 5G network. In this eye-opening blog post, we’ll explore five hidden dangers associated with wireless technology and provide practical tips to protect your health in a wireless world.

1. The Pulsating Radiation Effect: Contrary to popular belief, cell phones emit radiation that can potentially harm our bodies. It’s not just the power but also the pulsating nature of the signal that poses a risk. This irregular pulse weakens cell membranes, releases damaging oxidants, and triggers a cascade of reactions in our bodies. To minimize exposure, consider keeping a safe distance from wireless devices and reading the fine print warnings that often advise maintaining at least an inch of distance from your body.

2. Connection to Cancer: The link between cell phone use and cancer is a cause for concern. A Yale University study discovered that heavy cell phone users with a specific genetic alteration had a significantly higher risk of thyroid cancer. Moreover, studies conducted in Sweden have shown that children who start using cell phones at a young age have four to eight times higher rates of brain cancer in adulthood. Stay informed about the potential risks associated with cell phone use, as the most recent study on this topic in the United States was published in 2001.

3. Living Near Cell Phone Towers: Living close to cell phone towers can also pose health risks. Proximity to these towers increases the potential for exposure to radiation. While many countries have regulations to protect citizens from close-range antennas, the United States is lagging behind. It’s important to advocate for stricter regulations and public notice of radiation levels. If you live near a cell phone tower, consider taking measures to minimize your exposure and protect your health.

4. The Emerging 5G Network: The arrival of the 5G network brings new concerns. Due to its close proximity to residences, with antennas as close as eight feet off the ground, 5G poses a greater risk compared to previous networks. To ensure safer exposure levels, it’s crucial to limit the distance between 5G towers and residential areas. Stay informed about the deployment of 5G in your community and advocate for safer exposure limits.

Taking Action:
Now that you’re aware of the potential dangers, it’s time to take action to protect your health in a wireless world. Here are a few practical tips:

• Keep a safe distance from wireless devices, including cell phones and routers.
• Turn off your router at night to minimize exposure while sleeping.
• Use low-power settings on your devices whenever possible.
• Advocate for safer technology and regulations regarding cell phone towers and 5G deployment.
• Stay informed by visiting reputable sources such as the Environmental Health Trust’s website, where you can find fact sheets and checklists for minimizing electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure.

While wireless technology has undoubtedly transformed our lives, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential health risks associated with cell phone use and the 5G network. By understanding these hidden dangers and taking practical steps to minimize exposure, you can protect your health and the well-being of your loved ones in this wireless world. Stay informed, stay proactive, and prioritize your well-being in the digital age.



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7 Inspiring Lessons from the Believe Big Podcast with Mark Batterson

  1. The Power of Bold Prayers: Mark Batterson, a lead pastor and author, shares how God delights in answering our heart’s deepest desires and God-given dreams through bold prayers. He encourages listeners to pray for things beyond their abilities, resources, and education.
  2. Setting Goals for Health: Mark emphasizes the importance of setting goals to stay in shape. He personally takes on annual challenges like a bike century or a marathon, which not only contributes to his physical health but also strengthens relationships, as he involves his family in these activities.
  3. The Role of Faith in Healing: Mark recounts his personal experience with asthma, which he had for 40 years. Despite decades of praying for healing, it wasn’t until July 2nd, 2016, that he was miraculously healed. He highlights the importance of participating in your own healing journey and combining faith with natural means.
  4. Persistence in Prayer: Mark encourages listeners not to give up on praying for miracles, even if the answers are not immediate. He shares the example of praying for someone who is far from God, emphasizing the need to keep pressing in, praying through, and entrusting it to God’s hands.
  5. The Power of Mind and Belief: Drawing from a study shared by Ivelisse Page, a cancer survivor and podcast host, Mark discusses the impact of our thoughts on our health. He highlights the placebo effect and the importance of nurturing a positive mindset and filling our minds with the capabilities of what God can do.
  6. Honoring God with Big Dreams: Mark emphasizes that nothing honors God more than having a big dream that is beyond our means and abilities. He encourages listeners to step out in faith when God gives them a vision, trusting that God will provide the means to accomplish it. By relying on God, we can’t take credit for the miraculous outcomes, making it clear that it was God’s doing.
  7. Ebeneezer’s Coffee House Miracle: Mark shares the story of Ebeneezer’s Coffee House, a project that seemed impossible but became a reality. Through God’s provision, his church is able to own multiple properties worth $83 million without any debt. This serves as a reminder that God can use the unlikely and accomplish the impossible when we trust in Him.

Listening to the Believe Big podcast and the insights shared by Mark Batterson can inspire and empower individuals to embrace bold prayers, set goals for their health, persist in their faith, and pursue big dreams with unwavering trust in God’s provision. Listen to the full episode below.


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The Trouble with Ingredients in Sunscreens

Source: https://www.ewg.org/sunscreen/report/the-trouble-with-sunscreen-chemicals/

Sunscreen products are intended to be applied to the body every day, for a lifetime. The companies that make and sell sunscreen ingredients and products should test them thoroughly for potential short-term and long-term health effects. This includes toxicity testing for irritation and skin allergies, as well as testing for skin absorption and the potential to cause cancer, disrupt the hormone system and cause harm during reproduction and development.

In 2021, the Food and Drug Administration, which governs sunscreen safety, proposed its most recent updates to sunscreen regulations. It found that only two ingredients, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, could be classified as safe and effective, based on the currently available information.

Twelve other ingredients were proposed as not generally recognized as safe and effective due to insufficient data: avobenzone, cinoxate, dioxybenzone, ensulizole, homosalate, meradimate, octinoxate, octisalate, octocrylene, oxybenzone, padimate O, and sulisobenzone.

The FDA has required additional safety data because of health concerns and studies by the agency that show these ingredients can be absorbed through the skin. But in recent years, many studies have also raised concerns about endocrine-disrupting effects of three ingredients: homosalate, avobenzone and oxybenzone.

In 2021 the European Commission published preliminary opinions on the safety of three organic ultraviolet, or UV, filters, oxybenzonehomosalate and octocrylene. It found that two of them are not safe in the amounts at which they’re currently used. It proposed limiting concentration to 2.2 percent for oxybenzone and 1.4 percent for homosalate.

U.S. sunscreen manufacturers are legally allowed to use these two chemicals at concentrations up to 6 and 15 percent, respectively. Hundreds of sunscreens made in the U.S. use them at concentrations far above the European Commission’s recommendations.

The ingredients oxybenzone, octinoxate, octisalate, octocrylene, homosalate and avobenzone are all systemically absorbed into the body after one use, according to the studies published by the FDA. The agency also found they could be detected on the skin and in the blood weeks after they had last been used.

Other studies have reported finding  sunscreen ingredients in breast milk,urine and blood plasma samples. And it’s possible for sunscreen users to inhale ingredients in sunscreen sprays and ingest some of the ingredients they apply to their lips, so the ingredients must not be harmful to the lungs or internal organs.

This constant exposure to sunscreen chemicals raises concerns, especially because there is not enough safety data for most ingredients. We have even more concerns about ingredients such as oxybenzone, which many studies have linked to hormone disruption.

Active ingredient toxicity

This table outlines human exposure and hazard information for eight common FDA-approved sunscreen chemicals, often referred to as active ingredients because they provide UV protection. Sunscreen products typically include a combination of active ingredients, except for those formulated with zinc oxide.

Chemical FDA 2019 proposed classification as safe and effective Skin penetration Hormone disruption Skin allergy or other concerns
Oxybenzone No + + +
(Octyl methoxycinnamate)
No + + +
Homosalate No + + +
Octisalate No +
Octocrylene No + +
Avobenzone No + + +
Titanium dioxide Yes + Inhalation concerns
Zinc oxide Yes + Inhalation concerns

+ = evidence; – = no or weak evidence

The science on ingredient toxicity


The most worrisome sunscreen active ingredient is oxybenzone, according to publicly available scientific research. It is readily absorbed through the skin and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found it in nearly all Americans, with higher levels in those who report applying sunscreen. It causes allergic skin reactions , behaves like a hormone disruptor in many studies and may cause more harm to children.

In an evaluation of CDC-collected exposure data for American children, researchers found that adolescent boys with higher oxybenzone measurements had much lower total testosterone levels . Three other studies reported statistically significant associations between oxybenzone exposure during pregnancy and birth outcomes. One reported shorter pregnancy in women carrying male fetuses, two reported higher birth weights for baby boys and one found lower birth weights for baby girls. According to the latest proposed FDA sunscreens monograph, the agency needs further data to determine whether oxybenzone can be considered safe and effective, since:

[the] available literature … indicat[es] that oxybenzone is absorbed through the skin to a greater extent than previously understood and can lead to significant systemic exposure.… The significant systemic availability of oxybenzone … is a concern, among other reasons, because of questions raised in the published literature regarding the potential for endocrine activity.

Four studies published in 2020, after the FDA released its draft proposal, support previous findings that oxybenzone can act as an endocrine disruptor and may increase the risk of breast cancer and endometriosis. In addition, the National Toxicology Program found equivocal evidence of carcinogenicity in rats after observing increases in thyroid tumors and enlargement of the uterus in females with high exposure to oxybenzone.

Investigators at the University of California at Berkeley reported a dramatic drop in teen girls’ exposure to oxybenzone in cosmetics when they switched from their usual products to replacements that did not contain this chemical.

Recently, the European Commission found current human exposure levels to oxybenzone to be unsafe and proposed a concentration restriction of 2.2 percent – lower than the limited amount allowed in U.S. sunscreens, which is up to 6 percent. Several countries ban the sale of sunscreens that contain this ingredient, because it may harm aquatic life.

EWG recommends consumers avoid sunscreens with oxybenzone.

Octinoxate, or octyl methoxycinnamate

Octinoxate is an organic UV filter. It is readily absorbed into the skin and continues to be absorbed after the sunscreen has been applied. It has been found in blood samples 16 times above the proposed FDA safety threshold.

Animal studies have shown the chemical has hormone effects on the metabolic system and affects thyroid hormone production, with some evidence for other endocrine targets, including androgen and progesterone signaling. Octinoxate can also cause allergic reactions after the person who has applied it is exposed to ultraviolet light.

Several countries ban the sale of sunscreens made with octinoxate, because they may harm aquatic life.


Homosalate is an organic UV filter widely used in U.S. sunscreens. The FDA has proposed that there is insufficient data to evaluate whether it is safe and effective to use in sunscreens. Homosalate has been found to penetrate the skin, disrupt hormones and produce toxic breakdown byproducts over time .

A recent opinion from the European Commission found that homosalate was not safe to use at concentrations up to 10 percent and recommended a maximum concentration of 1.4 percent, because of concerns for potential hormone disruption. The FDA allows U.S. sunscreen manufacturers to use it in concentrations up to 15 percent.


Octisalate, an organic UV filter, readily absorbs through the skin at levels 10 times more than 0.5 nanograms per milliliter, the FDA’s cutoff for systemic exposure. This cutoff is the maximum concentration that may be found in blood before there are potential safety concerns. The FDA has requested additional safety tests when a sunscreen is absorbed above this level.

The FDA 2019 proposed update suggests there is insufficient data to determine whether octisalate can be classified as safe and effective to use in sunscreens. A case report showed that the chemical has been linked to allergic contact dermatitis. Analysis by the Environmental Protection Agency suggests octisalate may have endocrine effects, weakly binding to the estrogen receptor.


Octocrylene readily absorbs through the skin at levels about 14 times the FDA cutoff for systemic exposure. But the agency suggested there is not enough data to determine whether it can be classified as safe and effective.

Octocrylene has been linked to aquatic toxicity, with the potential to harm coral health. It is often contaminated with benzophenone, which is known to cause cancer. According to one study, benzophenones levels can increase in products over time. The European Commission recently concluded that although there was some evidence of octocrylene’s hormone-disrupting potential, current use concentrations up to 10 percent were considered safe.


Avobenzone is a widely used organic filter that provides protection from UVA rays and is often used with other organic active ingredients in products offering broad spectrum protection.

Because avobenzone is not stable, it must be paired with other ingredients that act as stabilizers to prevent it from breaking down in the sun. Breakdown products of avobenzone have been shown to cause allergic reactions. Avobenzone can disrupt the endocrine system and has been shown to block the effects of testosterone in cellular studies.

In one study, avobenzone was detected on average in samples at levels nine times above the FDA’s cutoff for systemic exposure.

Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide

Mineral sunscreens are made with titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, usually in the form of nanoparticles. The FDA proposed that both titanium dioxide and zinc oxide be classified as safe and effective. Evidence suggests that few, if any, zinc or titanium particles penetrate the skin to reach living tissues.

Because of the potential of exposure through inhalation, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified titanium dioxide as possibly causing cancer in humans. For this reason, powdered or spray formulations containing titanium dioxide are a concern. Zinc oxide is also a cause for inhalation concerns when used in spray and powder products

In general, mineral sunscreens tend to rate better than chemical sunscreens in the EWG sunscreen database. But to reduce its response to sunlight, manufacturers use forms of minerals coated with inert chemicals. To lower the risks to sunscreen users and maximize these products’ sun protection, EWG supports stronger guidelines and restrictions on the types of zinc and titanium used in sunscreens, including nanoparticles, which we have analyzed in detail.

Other active ingredients

Mexoryl SX, an uncommon active ingredient in U.S. sunscreen, offers strong UVA protection. The FDA’s analysis showed there wasn’t enough data to classify the ingredient as safe and effective. Public research provides no evidence of hormone disruption and rare incidence of skin allergy.

Aminobenzoic acid, or PABA, and trolamine salicylate are active ingredients that are no longer commonly used in U.S. sunscreens. The FDA’s 2019 proposal concluded that the risks of these chemicals outweigh their benefits and proposed classifying them as unsafe.

Inactive ingredients

The FDA should look closely at the so-called inactive ingredients in sunscreens, which typically make up half to 70 percent of a sunscreen. EWG recommends the FDA launch a thorough investigation of the safety of all sunscreen ingredients to ensure none of them damages skin or harms health in other ways.

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Overcoming Picky Eating and Promoting a Diverse Diet: Essential Health Tips for Kids and Adults

Today we will delve into two essential health tips that can positively impact your well-being and overall health. The first tip focuses on picky eating among children, highlighting the need to overcome this challenge and promote diversity in their diet. The second tip, relevant to both adults and children, emphasizes the significance of maintaining a diverse diet to support a healthy microbiome and prevent cancer. Join us as we explore practical strategies and insights to make positive changes for you and your family’s health.

Tip 1: Overcoming Picky Eating for Kids

Children these days are often exposed to an abundance of processed foods, making picky eating a common concern for parents. Overcoming picky eating habits is crucial to ensure children receive the necessary nutrients for their growth and development.

Here are three practical steps to help navigate this challenge:

Meet Them Where They’re At: Understanding the severity of picky eating habits is essential. Tailor your approach based on your child’s level of pickiness, ensuring they feel safe and comfortable around new foods.

Transition with Familiar Foods: Start by introducing healthier versions of your child’s favorite foods. For instance, if they enjoy chicken nuggets from a fast-food restaurant, you can gradually transition to homemade chicken nuggets using healthier ingredients. Maintain the familiar shapes and flavors to ease the transition.

Celebrate Small Wins: Make the process of trying new foods fun and rewarding. Create a positive environment by celebrating each little win, implementing reward systems, or introducing negotiation strategies that align with your child’s interests.

Tip 2: Embracing Diet Diversity for Everyone

The significance of a diverse diet cannot be overstated when it comes to promoting optimal health and preventing chronic illnesses like cancer. Research suggests that feeding your microbiome at least 35 to 50 different plants in a week can have profound effects on your overall well-being.

Here’s why diversity matters and how to achieve it:

The Gut-Brain Connection: The gut and the brain are intricately linked, with the gut microbiome playing a vital role. Toxic exposures and imbalances in the microbiome can lead to inflammation, affecting both physical and mental health. By prioritizing diversity in your diet, you can support a healthy gut-brain axis.

Reducing Toxic Load: Our modern environment is filled with numerous toxins that can accumulate in our bodies over time. While it’s impossible to eliminate all sources of toxicity, you can take actionable steps to reduce exposure. Start by switching to non-toxic household cleaning products and using apps like Think Dirty to scan and choose safer personal care products.

Embracing Lifestyle Medicine: Lifestyle factors such as nutrition, sleep, stress management, exercise, and social connections play a crucial role in overall well-being. By focusing on these pillars of lifestyle medicine, you can positively impact your health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Prioritizing your health and the health of your loved ones is crucial in today’s fast-paced world. By implementing practical strategies to overcome picky eating in children and embracing a diverse diet for everyone, you can create a solid foundation for optimal well-being. Remember, small steps taken today can lead to significant long-term benefits, supporting a healthy microbiome and reducing the risk of chronic illnesses such as cancer. Start your journey towards a healthier lifestyle today!

Listen to the full podcast episode below:

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Finding Hope in Hard Times

Hope is defined as an optimistic state of mind based on an expectation of positive outcomes; a feeling of trust; or confident expectation.

This week I am joined by author Andrea Herzer and Andrea knows all about hope, growing it and maintaining it.  Andrea shares her story of managing extreme challenges and finding hope in difficult times, primarily through chronic health issues. Despite her hardships, Andrea has been able to find hope and resilience by relying on her faith, leaning on her support system, and focusing on gratitude.

Listen in as Andrea shares her insights and experiences on how to overcome adversity and find hope in life’s toughest moments. She emphasizes the importance of staying positive and focusing on the good things in life, even when things seem bleak. This episode provides an inspiring and uplifting message for listeners who may be going through their own struggles and need some encouragement to keep going.

Connect with Andrea Herzer on her website:

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CANCER EVOLUTION – The Metabolic Therapy Journey

A Discussion on Cancer Treatment and Research

Ivelisse Page, the founder of Believe Big, spoke with cancer survivor and advocate Maggie Jones and her husband Brad, about the importance of being your own advocate when it comes to cancer treatment and research. The conversation centered around the upcoming release of the docu-series, Cancer Evolution, which focuses on the need for more research into integrative cancer treatments. Ivelisse, who was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer in 2013, shared her personal journey and the challenges she faced when seeking alternative treatments. Listen to the full episode below:

Here are some key takeaways from the conversation:

Be Your Own Advocate: When it comes to cancer treatment, it’s important to do your own research and be your own advocate. While doctors and oncologists can provide guidance and advice, ultimately, it’s up to you to make informed decisions about your care.

Seek a Supportive Team: Building a team of supportive doctors and practitioners can be invaluable in navigating cancer treatment. Just as there are different specialties in oncology, there are also specialists in integrative medicine who can provide unique perspectives and treatments.

Embrace Integrative Treatments: Integrative cancer treatments combine conventional medical treatments with complementary therapies such as acupuncture, nutrition, and meditation. While more research is needed in this area, many cancer patients have found relief from side effects and improved quality of life through integrative treatments.

Participate in Research: By participating in clinical trials and research studies, cancer patients can contribute to the advancement of cancer treatments and help future patients access new therapies.

The Cancer Evolution docu-series, set to be released in September, it aims to raise awareness about the need for more research into integrative cancer treatments. By sharing personal stories and insights from experts in the field, the series hopes to inspire patients and caregivers to explore all options when it comes to cancer care.

In conclusion, being your own advocate and seeking a supportive team are essential in navigating cancer treatment. Integrative treatments and participation in research can also provide additional options and hope for cancer patients.


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Believe Big’s review of “100 Acts of Love: A Girlfriend’s Guide to Loving Your Friend Through Cancer or Loss”

As an organization that supports cancer patients and their loved ones, we highly recommend “100 Acts of Love” by Kim Hamer. This book is an incredibly helpful and heartfelt guide for anyone who wants to support a friend or loved one through a cancer diagnosis or loss. This book is based on Hamer’s personal experiences of caring for her husband with cancer and the support she received from her friends. Through practical advice and meaningful insights, she helps readers navigate the ups and downs of a cancer journey. From how to be a good listener to creative ways to show your love and support, “100 Acts of Love” is full of practical tips and thoughtful ideas that will help you be there for your friend in a meaningful way.


What we appreciate most about this book is that it emphasizes the importance of connection and community in times of difficulty. Hamer encourages readers to lean on their own support networks, while also offering guidance on how to build and strengthen those networks during a challenging time. Overall, “100 Acts of Love” is an essential guide for anyone who wants to show their love and support for a friend or loved one dealing with cancer or loss.


Three key takeaways we had after reading it:


  1. Small gestures can make a big impact: The book emphasizes that it’s often the little things that matter most when supporting a friend through cancer or loss. From sending a thoughtful text message to making a homemade meal, the book offers many practical suggestions for simple yet meaningful acts of love.


  1. Connection and community are crucial: The author emphasizes the importance of building and maintaining strong support networks during times of difficulty. Whether it’s reaching out to family members, joining a support group, or simply spending time with friends, connecting with others can provide much-needed comfort and help alleviate feelings of isolation.


  1. It’s okay to not have all the answers: Hamer acknowledges that supporting a friend through cancer or loss can be challenging and that there may not always be easy answers. However, she emphasizes that being present and listening to your friend’s needs is often the most important thing you can do. By showing empathy, compassion, and a willingness to simply be there, you can make a significant difference in your friend’s life.


We highly recommend this book to anyone looking for practical advice, heartfelt encouragement, and inspiration on how to be a good friend and a strong source of support in difficult times. You can find it on amazon: https://amzn.to/40pNzzM

Listen to the podcast episode below where we had the pleasure of speaking with Kim Hamer about the book and these important topics.

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Cancer Hates Tea

Harnessing the power of nature through tea.

Stacy Fritz, Believe Big Patient Advocate + Paula Weinberg, JD, CNS, LDN, ONC

Tea has several health benefits, including preventing cancer, improving vascular function, reducing cholesterol levels, preventing atherosclerosis, aiding healthy weight management, boosting metabolic rate, inhibiting fat formation, suppressing appetite, and providing benefits before exercising. Cancer cells do not know when to die, while healthy cells do, and tea supports cell death in cancer cells. There are technically only four types of tea, all from the same camellia sinensis plant: white, green, oolong, and black tea.
They differ in processing methods, and black tea is made from fully oxidized crushed tea leaves, resulting in a rich, dark flavor. Poo Air tea is fully oxidized and aged, with an earthy flavor that is not for everyone. Green tea is particularly beneficial for preventing cancer, and its benefits are demonstrated in detail in the book “Cancer Hates Tea.”
Thank you for registering to join us for our nutrition webinar, Food for Thought. Please enjoy below the replay to watch and share with your friends and family. We have also added this to the Food for Thought landing page on our website with the resources below. Have a blessed week!


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Believe Big Surpasses $300,000 Goal at 12th Annual Fundraising Dinner

Enjoy this write up from the CityBiz

Believe Big, a non-profit cancer assistance organization founded by cancer survivor and mistletoe advocate Ivelisse Page, recently hosted its 12th Annual Fundraising Dinner. The event was a resounding success, with supporters coming together to raise more than $300,000 to support Believe Big’s mission of helping cancer patients face, fight, and overcome their disease.

The event was the first in-person fundraising event for Believe Big in over two years, and attendees were excited to be back together for a night of inspiring stories and updates on the latest advances in cancer research. Jennifer Gilbert St. John served as the Master of Ceremonies, and guests were inspired by the stories of hope shared by Terri Zgorski and Daniel Wellington.

Believe Big’s Executive Director and Co-founder, Ivelisse Page, expressed gratitude to the supporters and donors who helped make the event a success, saying, “We are so grateful for our supporters who came alongside us to help cancer patients face, fight, and overcome their disease. Since Believe Big began we have helped over 1 million people due to your generosity. Thank you for linking arms with us and helping to make a real difference in the lives of so many.”

Prior to the event, Believe Big set a goal to raise $300,000 and gain 37 new monthly partners. In addition to surpassing the fundraising goal, the organization was able to exceed its monthly partner goal with 49 new partners.

The event also featured updates on the Believe Big Institute of Health and the Mistletoe Clinical Trial Team. Dr. Luis Diaz Jr., head of the Division of Solid Tumor Oncology in Memorial Sloan Kettering’s Department of Medicine, and Dr. Channing Paller, associate professor of oncology, the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins University, shared that completing Phase 1 of the clinical trial was just the first step in making mistletoe therapy standard care oncology and its ability to be covered by insurance.

The completion of Phase 2 is estimated to cost $1 million and Believe Big is asking for continued support from its donors to help make this a reality. Donate today >


About Believe Big

Established in 2011, Believe Big is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit founded by Ivelisse and Jimmy Page after her battle with Stage IV colon cancer. Believe Big serves those with cancer in the United States and beyond. Believe Big offers a wide array of support mechanisms for cancer patients, ranging from nutrition therapy to Mistletoe education and patient advocacy. The organization helps cancer patients move through the overwhelming process of treatment by bridging the gap between conventional and complementary medicine to heal in all aspects of life: physically, emotionally and spiritually. To learn more, visit www.BelieveBig.org



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Sugar and Its Role in Feeding Cancer Cells

The western American diet is under fire for the amount of sugar we consume on a daily basis.  Overconsumption of sugar creates all sorts of health issues for us and it is a big topic of discussion for everyone these days, especially cancer patients.

In this Believe Big podcast episode, Dr. Lucas Tims of the Riordan Clinic returns for a second time to talk about sugar and the role it plays in cancer.

  • Can consuming sugar increase your risk for cancer?
  • Are there certain types of cancers that are more sensitive to sugar intake?
  • Does sugar affect cancer treatments?
  • Are artificial sweeteners beneficial to someone on a cancer journey?

Dr. Tims answers these questions and talks about how sugar consumption can lead to inflammation in the body.  This inflammation can create an environment that is conducive to cancer growth.   He also discusses the importance of maintaining a healthy, balanced diet that is low in sugar and high in nutrients, sharing how he has helped his patients reduce their sugar consumption in their individual health journeys.

You won’t want to miss this enlightening episode!

Connect with Dr. Tims at the Riordan Clinic – Overland Park

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