“Mighty Micah” Beats Stage IV Cancer! Watch his amazing story!

For years now, Believe Big has been spreading the word about integrative therapies for cancer. Every day, we hear more positive outcomes– like six-year-old Micah’s.

Micah’s oncologist put it best: “This is a first for us. He’s doing better than we’ve ever seen.” And your gifts helped make Micah’s miracle possible.
Thanks to you, Micah received the integrative therapies that helped him overcome a rare Stage IV cancer called ACC. Overcoming ACC is even more amazing when you realize that most children don’t even make it through the harsh treatment, let alone beat the disease.
Now I’m hoping we can count on you again because I have some exciting news.
Believe Big has been offered a $100,000 challenge grant. But, we’ll only receive the money if we reach our goal of raising $300,000 by the end of the year.
Can you imagine how much more we could do for our patients with another $100,000? But we’ll need everyone’s help to get there. That’s why I’m asking if you’ll become one of our Hope Givers. You can provide vital support by:
  • Making a one-time donation by December 31st
  • Becoming one of our Monthly Partners
  • Becoming a Family or Corporate Partner
  • Participating in your employer’s Matching Gift Program
  • Sharing Micah’s video story with 10 friends via text or email.
You have certainly come through for us before. When the pandemic threatened to halt some of our essential programs, we found new ways to deliver them, thanks to your help. We were even able to offer new services like our virtual support group!
If you’re wondering whether your gift will make a difference, look no further than by watching Micah’s story (or Mighty Micah, as we call him). Then consider how many more people we could help if we receive that challenge grant.
I thank you for whatever gift you can make and for helping us change the way Americans think about cancer.
Ivelisse Page

PS: Please consider forwarding this webpage url or texting the video link to TEN people you know.


“Mighty Micah” Beats Stage IV Cancer! Watch his amazing story!

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Donor Spotlight – Meet Willie & Jeff Barrett

I was invited to the very first dinner when Believe Big was launched, and that’s when I heard Ivelisse’s remarkable, hope-filled story.  I was blown away by her testimony about her journey to becoming cancer-free.

After hearing that inspiring story, it was so easy to volunteer at the Believe Big offices and to donate financially to this cause I wholeheartedly believe in.  Believe Big respects the mind, body, and spirit connection and offers their incredible guidance and assistance to anyone on the cancer journey.  I know this firsthand, as they helped me when they provided useful information, direction, and emotional and spiritual support as I walked with both my husband and niece on their cancer journeys. Believe Big helps so many of us who have seen our loved ones suffer through cancer. Their tireless efforts to assist others facing this ugly, hideous disease are successful largely due to their supporters’ financial contributions.

 I ask each of you to come alongside Believe Big by giving any amount you can, so the word of its mission can spread and more people can receive help.

Cancer is a journey none of us volunteer to take, but each of us has been affected by it in one way or another.  Partnering with Believe Big is an excellent and rewarding way to help cancer patients and their families.  The resources and support Believe Big offers are free to patients, but we need to provide the finances so the good work Believe Big does will continue and increase. I hope I never, ever hear the diagnosis that I have cancer, but if I do, I know that my first call will be to Believe Big.  Willie (Lieberman) Barrett Believe Big Supporter    

Everyone knows someone with cancer.  I encourage you to get involved with Believe Big today!  Your support will help so many thrive in the face of cancer!
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Roasted Cauliflower & Potato Curry Soup

In this healthy cauliflower soup recipe, roasting the cauliflower first adds depth and prevents the florets from turning to mush. A little tomato sauce and coconut milk give the broth a rich, silky texture. Serve with a dollop of sour cream or yogurt, if desired.

Active: 50 mins  /  Total: 1 hr 30 mins  /  Servings: 8


Ingredient Checklist


Instructions Checklist
  • Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.

  • Combine coriander, cumin, cinnamon, turmeric, salt, pepper and cayenne in a small bowl. Toss cauliflower with 1 tablespoon oil in a large bowl, sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of the spice mixture and toss again. Spread in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet. Roast the cauliflower until the edges are browned, 15 to 20 minutes. Set aside.

  • Meanwhile, heat the remaining 1 tablespoon oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add onion and carrot and cook, stirring often, until starting to brown, 3 to 4 minutes. Reduce heat to medium and continue cooking, stirring often, until the onion is soft, 3 to 4 minutes. Add garlic, ginger, chile and the remaining spice mixture. Cook, stirring, for 1 minute more.

  • Stir in tomato sauce, scraping up any browned bits, and simmer for 1 minute. Add broth, potatoes, sweet potatoes, lime zest and juice. Cover and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to maintain a gentle simmer and cook, partially covered and stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are tender, 35 to 40 minutes.

  • Stir in coconut milk and the roasted cauliflower. Return to a simmer to heat through. Serve garnished with cilantro and chiles, if desired.


To make ahead: Refrigerate for up to 5 days.

Nutrition Facts

272 calories; protein 5.3g; carbohydrates 33.4g; dietary fiber 7.2g; sugars 8.3g; fat 14.8g; saturated fat 10.1g; vitamin a iu 9200.1IU; vitamin c 52.2mg; folate 73.8mcg; calcium 86.3mg; iron 3.6mg; magnesium 69.4mg; potassium 910.5mg; sodium 509.4mg.

Original recipe source/credit, view here: https://www.eatingwell.com/recipe/256519/roasted-cauliflower-potato-curry-soup

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Seven Immune System Hacks for the Fall Season

Seven Immune System Hacks for the Fall Season

  1. Love (opposite: fear or hate)
    Love affects our physiology and our resilience.  Love actually changes the way our heart beats, lowers cortisol, improves immune dysfunction.  Love feeds our bodies in a way God intended (and instructs us).

  2. Sleep (opposite:  striving)
    In order to sleep, we need to surrender.  Surrender means to “let go,” relax, be quiet.  Sleep will refresh us to begin again the next day.  Sleep needs to be a priority too for healing.

    Be still.  God ministers to us in our stillness.  We rest in Him.  Psalm 46:10

  3. Clean water (opposite:  soft drink, sugary drinks)
    Keep a water bottle with you always, preferably not plastic.  Gauge your intake daily and aim to consume half your body weight (in ounces).  Our bodies require a lot of water daily.  Use a filter for best results.

    Sugary drinks will give you a lift, but you will also feel the crash afterwards.

  4. Vitamins and minerals (opposite:  none)
    We need vitamin supplements because we will not get enough from our food sources.
    Vitamins B, C, D are probably the best vitamin choices for the fall season.  Vitamin B helps with energy, nerve health, and brain function.  Vitamin C is good for our immune health, cell repair, and more.  Vitamin D (powerhouse vitamin) strengthens our immune health and helps with weight loss and mood regularity.  Zinc and magnesium are recommended minerals for the detox process and immune function.

  5. Eat clean and fast regularly (opposite: overeating & eating junk food)
    Clean means ORGANIC.  Eliminate processed foods.  If it’s in a package or if it’s preserved or if it has more than 5 ingredients, it’s not healthy, choose something better.  Eat fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and clean proteins are good for our immune systems.

    Fasting allows us to rest our gut.  This allows our immune system to take a break from toxins that pass through the body even when we eat clean.  Fasting is good for us physically, emotionally and spiritually.

  6. Exercise wisely (opposite:  slothfulness)
    Pay attention to your body during a new season.  High stress life situations can be made worse from high intensity workouts.  It adds inflammation to the body.  Listen to what your body is telling you and adjust your workout accordingly.

    Exercise is necessary for our health (physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally) but we need to pay attention to our bodies.

  7. Renew your mind
    Our minds and our bodies are tightly connected.  Our minds can direct our bodies and if they are out of alignment, it will affect our health.  Step away from things that fill your mind with toxins such as the daily news.

    Fill your mind with things that feed your soul in a way that encourages love, health and a spiritual relationship with God.


Believe Big is a non-profit Christian organization founded by Ivelisse and Jimmy Page after her battle with Stage IV colon cancer. Established in 2011, Believe Big is bridging the gap between conventional and complementary medicine for fighting cancer. Believe Big provides cancer patients with hope, help, and healing through our resources, patient advocate and wellness grants..

Partner Today with Believe Big >


Source link of the original content post from our friend Susie Larson: Listen to the whole podcast here >



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