Stocks & IRA
To donate stock, please contact Jackie Guidera at 888-317-5850 x712 or jackie@believebig.org
Please inform us of your gift to ensure timely acknowledgement.
Your broker can assist you in making a gift of stock via a direct transfer to BELIEVE
BIG. Giving a gift of publicly traded stock that has increased in value and that you
have owned for more than one year may provide greater tax benefits than giving
cash. Your charitable income tax deduction is equal to the fair market value of the
stock and you avoid paying the capital gains tax on any increase in the current
value over the original cost of the stock. You may also save by not incurring
brokerage fees because you are transferring ownership rather than selling the
Fidelity is the “Receiving Firm” when you make donations from your brokerage
accounts at other firms.
- Receiving Firm Name – Fidelity Investments
- Receiving Account Name – Believe Big, Inc.
- Receiving Account Number – 677-300957
- Fidelity’s DTC Number is: 226
Stock is immediately sold and money wire transferred to Believe Big, inc.
Please inform our team of stock transfers so that we can properly acknowledge your gift and forward
information regarding your tax deduction.
If you are 70.5 or older and own a traditional IRA, please consider making an IRA charitable rollover
gift to Believe Big, Inc.. Contact your plan administrator to make a qualified transfer from your IRA to
us by December 31.
A gift of any amount up to $100,000 made from your IRA to us will:
- not be included in your taxable income
- satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year
- reduce your taxable income, even if you do not itemize deductions
- not be subject to the 50% limitation on charitable gifts
For questions about an IRA Rollover gift, please contact Jackie Guidera 888-317-5850 x 712 or
Believe Big is a non-profit Christian organization founded by Ivelisse and Jimmy Page after her battle with Stage IV colon cancer. Established in 2011, Believe Big is bridging the gap between conventional and complementary medicine for fighting cancer. Believe Big provides patients with hope, help, and healing.
To see cancer patients and their families discover their pathway to healing.
To help families face, fight, and overcome cancer.
No matter where you are located geographically, fundraising for Believe Big is easy! Here are some example ideas that others have participated in for raising funds for the Believe Big mission. Every dollar raised directly helps a patients get the resources, support and encouragement they need during their cancering journey.


Friends and family love to shower newlyweds and we have had the pleasure of also receiving this love. In lieu of gifts allows a Bride & Groom to choose a charity or cause close to their heart to direct donations towards. We created a fun sign example you can use at your wedding if you wish.