Top Cancer-Fighting Foods: Highlights from Our Nutrition Webinar

The recent session in our “Food for Thought” series focused on the topic “Top Cancer-Fighting Foods,” a subject chosen by popular demand. Our expert, Paula Weinberger, shared invaluable insights on how certain foods can play a crucial role in cancer prevention and treatment. Here’s a summary of the key points discussed:

Green Tea

Green tea is a powerhouse when it comes to fighting cancer. It contains polyphenols, particularly catechins like EGCG, which have been shown to inhibit cancer growth. Paula emphasized the importance of choosing organic tea and provided tips for brewing to maximize health benefits. She also highlighted that while green tea is beneficial, it’s essential for patients undergoing chemotherapy to check for potential interactions with their treatment.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, are packed with glucosinolates that support detoxification and help prevent cancer. Paula recommended consuming them raw or lightly steamed to preserve their nutrients. She also introduced broccoli sprouts, which contain up to 100 times more glucosinolates than mature broccoli.

Garlic and the Allium Family

Garlic, onions, shallots, and leeks are known for their sulfur-containing phytochemicals, which have potent anti-cancer properties. Paula advised allowing chopped garlic to rest for 10 minutes before cooking to activate its cancer-fighting compound, allicin. She also noted that garlic powder does not contain allicin and should not be relied upon for these benefits.


Mushrooms, particularly medicinal varieties like reishi and maitake, offer a range of health benefits. They stimulate the immune system, promote apoptosis (cancer cell death), and inhibit angiogenesis (growth of new blood vessels in tumors). Paula suggested consuming a variety of mushrooms and considering dried or powdered forms from trusted sources like Mountain Rose Herbs.

Practical Tips and Synergies

Paula concluded with practical tips for integrating these foods into daily diets and highlighted the synergistic effects of combining certain foods, such as turmeric with black pepper, to enhance their cancer-fighting properties.

This webinar provided a wealth of information and actionable steps for integrating cancer-fighting foods into your diet. Stay tuned for more sessions and resources from our “Food for Thought” series, and remember, you have the power to make choices that support your health journey.
