Understanding the Hidden Dangers of Wireless Technology with Dr. Devra Davis

In today’s digital age, wireless technology is an integral part of our lives. From cell phones to Wi-Fi routers, these devices offer convenience but also come with risks that are often overlooked. In a recent episode of the Believe Big podcast, we had the privilege of speaking with Dr. Devra Davis, founder of the Environmental Health Trust, about the hidden dangers of wireless radiation, including the effects of 5G technology.

Key takeaway: “Distance is your friend.” Dr. Davis emphasized the importance of keeping your devices away from your body to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). She also noted that the pulsed radiation from wireless devices is what causes the most harm over time, not necessarily the power of the radiation itself.

The Unseen Risk of Wireless Radiation
Dr. Davis shared eye-opening information on how wireless devices, especially cell phones, emit radiation that can have serious health implications. One startling revelation was that the last time safety standards for cell phones were set was 25 years ago. Since then, technology has advanced, but safety regulations have not kept pace. This outdated standard puts everyone, especially children, at risk.

The Impact on Children’s Health
One of the most alarming topics discussed was the effect of EMF exposure on children. Studies have shown that children who begin using cell phones at a young age are at a higher risk of developing brain cancer as they grow older. The proximity of cell towers and the increased use of devices in classrooms only add to this risk.

Dr. Davis strongly advocates for wired connections in schools and limiting children’s exposure to wireless devices. She also highlighted the quadrupling of rectal cancer rates in American adults under 40, which she believes could be linked to the habitual carrying of cell phones in pockets.

Practical Steps to Protect Your Family
While the dangers are significant, there are practical steps you can take to protect yourself and your family:

  • Turn off your Wi-Fi router at night or program it to operate at the lowest power necessary.
  • Use wired connections for your internet whenever possible. It’s faster, safer, and more secure.
  • Keep cell phones out of bedrooms or place them in airplane mode to minimize exposure while you sleep.
  • Educate your children about the risks and encourage them to keep devices away from their bodies.
  • Davis also mentioned the importance of community action. By getting educated and working with others, you can advocate for safer technology and push for updated regulations that protect public health.


The Road Ahead
As Dr. Davis pointed out, there is a growing international movement to demand safer wireless technology. The Environmental Health Trust provides numerous resources, including fact sheets and guidelines, to help individuals and communities take action.

Final thought: We should not have to choose between convenience and health. It’s time to push for technological advancements that prioritize safety alongside innovation.


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